
The field of Humanities encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them and equips them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. It encourages learners, both students and teachers, to consider local and global contexts.

In this subject, students can engage with exciting, stimulating and personally relevant topics and issues. The subject helps students to critically appreciate the diversity of human culture, attitudes and beliefs.

Our approach to the subject includes a strong focus on inquiry and investigation. Students collect, describe and analyse data used in studies of societies; test hypotheses; and learn how to interpret increasingly complex information, including original source material. This focus on real-world examples, research and analysis is an essential aspect of the subject group.

The study of Humanities helps students to develop their identities as individuals and as responsible members of local and global communities. These explorations of our common humanity are intrinsically interesting, and disciplines in this subject group are filled with potential for creating in students a lifelong fascination with ‘the human story’ as it continues to evolve in an era of rapid change and increasing interconnectedness.
