Grade Placement

Because there are such a variety of different systems across the world, your grade placement here at MEF IS may be a little different to what you are accustomed to. When placing your child in the correct grade level we will look at the following criteria.

Students must have successfully completed their previous grade/year level to be placed in the next grade level in MEF IS when the Academic Year starts in September. If an application is submitted after the school year starts, during mid­term or in Semester II, students’ current Grade/Year Progress Report or Semester/Trimester Report Card or Transcript must also be submitted.

The Academic Year runs from September to June and one school year is completed in 10 months. However, in Southern Hemisphere countries such as Australia, Korea or Japan, the academic year runs on a different schedule. Therefore, students who come from these countries and apply to enter MEF IS in the second half of the academic year will not be placed in the next grade level until September because of having missed the first 5-6 months of that school year.

See the table below for placement of students based on the UK equivalent and age of the student.  The age level of the student is a rough guide, as it is important that your child has completed the previous grade level in order to be accepted into the next. MEF IS accepts student enrollments for ages 3 through to 18. You can also reference the academic records required for your application in this table.

Years at MEF IS Izmir run from Reception 1 (3 year olds) through to Grade 12 (18 year olds).

Reception 1 EARLY YEARS RECEPTION 3 BRITISH EY (if available)
Reception 2 EARLY YEARS RECEPTION 4 BRITISH EY (if available)
Kindergarten EARLY YEARS Year 1 – Primary 5 CIPP (if available)
Grade 1 PRIMARY Year 2 – Primary School 6 CIPP Kindergarten/Year 1
Grade 2 PRIMARY Year 3 – Primary School 7 CIPP KG & Grade 1/Year 1 & 2
Grade 3 PRIMARY Year 4 – Primary School 8 CIPP Grade 1 & 2/Year 2 & 3
Grade 4 PRIMARY Year 5 – Primary School 9 CIPP Grade 2 & 3/Year 3 & 4
Grade 5 PRIMARY Year 6 – Primary School 10 CIPP Grade 3 & 4/Year 4 & 5
Grade 6 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 7 – Secondary School 11 CLS/CP Grade 4 & 5/Year 5 & 6
Grade 7 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 8 – Secondary School 12 CLS/CP Grade 5 & 6/Year 6 & 7
Grade 8 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 9 – Secondary School 13 CLS/CP Grade 6 & 7/Year 7 & 8
Grade 9 HIGH SCHOOL Year 10 – Secondary School 14 IGCSE Grade 7 & 8/Year 8 & 9
Grade 10 HIGH SCHOOL Year 11 – Secondary School 15 IGCSE Grade 8 & 9/Year 9 & 10
Grade 11 HIGH SCHOOL Year 12 – Secondary School 16 IBDP Grade 9 & 10/Year 10 & 11
Grade 12 HIGH SCHOOL Year 13 – Secondary School 17 IBDP Grade 10 & 11/Year 11 & 12

CIPP: Cambridge International Primary Programme;

CLS/CP: Cambridge Lower Secondary/Checkpoint;

IGCSE: International General Certificate of Secondary Education;

IBDP: International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
