
At MEF IS, Izmir, students have many opportunities throughout the year to take part in sporting events both within the MEF IS community, and externally in the Izmir province and in other cities throughout Turkey. The school is an active member of the TISL (Turkish International School League).

Within internal school tournaments, students have the opportunity to take part in swimming carnivals, Sports Days, track and field events (off site), gymnastic shows, dance recitals, volleyball competitions and much more. Students also have the opportunity to take part in hiking holidays. Community spirit is a very important foundation of the school, and events like these help to bring our community together.

Externally, the students regularly compete in swimming, and we pride our school on having a strong swimming team. Students also take part in inter-school events with our sister school in Istanbul and regularly compete in swimming within Izmir and other provinces within Turkey. We also have competed in the TISL Basketball league in Antalya and hope to expand into the TISL Volleyball league next year.
