Social Studies

Social Studies lessons are based on the Cambridge Global Perspectives curriculum. The programme develops the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication and offers valuable opportunities to reinforce links with and skills learned in English as a first or second language, Mathematics, Science and ICT.  Cambridge Global Perspectives develops students’ ability to think critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view. Students study global topics that are relevant to them, for example, the environment, education and keeping healthy.

The Cambridge approach to learning advocates active learning and activities in the program that are designed to encourage learners to become independent, active and lifelong learners. This approach develops students’

  • Curiosity about the world around them and enthusiasm for learning
  • Acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills that can be applied in and across subjects
  • Communication and literacy skills
  • Understanding of personal, local, and global contexts

The learning objectives are divided into six main areas called ‘strands’ which run through every stage. Each strand corresponds to one of the following skills: research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication.
