Physical Education

The Physical Education program in grades 9-12 is designed to encourage enjoyment of physical activity by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities and by developing an understanding of effective and safe physical performance. Learners thus build an understanding of the principles, practices and training techniques needed to improve performance, better health and of well-being.

The aims of the physical education program are to:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the theory underpinning physical performance in the modern world
  • Use and apply this knowledge and understanding to improve their performance
  • Perform in a range of physical activities, developing skills and techniques, and selecting and using tactics, strategies, and/or compositional ideas
  • Understand and appreciate safe practice in physical activity and sport
  • Understand and appreciate the benefit of physical activity and sport for health, fitness and well-being
  • Gain a sound basis for further study in the field of physical education


In addition to the regular Physical Education curriculum, MEF International School offers a variety of extracurricular athletic activities designed to stimulate and develop the interests of every participant.

The emphasis at the secondary level in both the middle and high schools is on maximum participation where effort and enthusiasm are rewarded alongside physical contributions. Students are encouraged to develop a lifelong enjoyment of team and individual sports. Students build an understanding of how sports play a critical role in the bigger picture of living a healthy and balanced lifestyle involving a physical, social, and emotional balance.

Secondary athletes are expected to show personal responsibility and commitment, and they are told to demonstrate positive leadership skills, emotional control, and mental toughness and to serve as inspiring role models. All MEF IS athletes are expected to demonstrate respect through good sportsmanship, co-operation, punctuality, and attendance, and to uphold the team and school spirit. At MEF IS, we seek to unite players, coaches, and parents from a variety of international backgrounds through various sporting experiences.

As part of the MEF IS athletic program, students compete against other international schools off campus in various sporting events.  At the end of the school year, students who have participated in athletics are recognized at special events and ceremonies.
