Admissions FAQs
What age range does MEF IS enrol?
MEF IS is a co-educational day school which enrols students from 3 to 18 years of age. The medium of instruction is English.
How many children attend MEF IS?
There are currently approximately 400 student enrolled at MEF IS Istanbul campus.
How diverse is the student body?
There are over 50 different nationalities represented in our student body. We are proud to live our motto each and every day “Building bridges between Countries and Cultures”.
What is the average class size?
Maximum class size for the Preschool: 16, Pre-K and Kindergarten: 18, Grades 1 to 5: 22 and Grades 6 to 12: 24. Average class sizes in the Primary section of the school range from 10 to 16, and in the Secondary 16 to 20. The overall teacher to student ratio is 1:6.
Is there a waiting list?
There currently is not a waiting list for entry into the school, however from time to time classes can reach their maximum limit, therefore it is advisable to apply to the school at the earliest possible point.
Do you accept children who do not speak English?
Yes, MEF IS does enrol students who do not speak English into the Primary and Middle School grade levels. We have expert English Language Support Teachers who help students to gain an intermediate level of English. Each child progresses differently, however this usually takes at least 2 years. We do not accept entry of beginner level students into the High School, as the academic level of English required to keep up with studies is not feasible with little or no English. Some students are invited to participate in English Language testing if they are joining the Secondary School so we can determine the support your child will need before he/she starts.
What is the process I need to follow to enrol my child?
This will depend on your needs and where you are located when you are making your application. If you are applying from abroad you will need to be in close email communication with our admissions office. We will provide you information about our school through an introductory letter and links to our website. We will provide you with an application form and guidance as to what you will need to supply during the application process.
If you are currently in Istanbul, you are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school to receive information and participate in a school tour. Following your visit your will receive information about how to enrol your child at MEF IS.
What is the paperwork that I need to provide in my application?
- MEF IS Application Form
- Report Cards and/or transcripts for the last 2 years of schooling
- Immunisation Record
- Confidential School Recommendation form needs to be completed and sent directly to the MEF IS admissions office.
- Passport copies of family members
- Residency/work permit information
- 3 passport sized photos (hard copy)
- Bank statement showing payment of the application fee
How long does the enrolment process usually take?
The process is dependent on how long the paperwork that is required above takes for you to complete. The information needs to be presented in English. Once your paperwork is complete, the school needs a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 work days to evaluate documents. Once the evaluation is complete the admissions office will contact you with the outcome.
Do you accept students part way through the academic year?
Yes, MEF IS accepts enrolments of students throughout the school year. However, if your child arrives part way through a semester, they may not receive a report card or grading because there may not be enough assessment data gathered to provide an accurate picture.
Do you enrol students with learning difficulties?
MEF IS is able to enrol students with mild learning difficulties that we have means for supporting through our student support team.
Once accepted, how soon can my child start school?
Once your child’s enrolment is confirmed you will receive an email from the admissions office inviting you to make payment of the placement fee to secure your child’s place at the school. Once the payment has been made, we request up to 2 working days before your child can begin at school.