Board of Governors

MEF Educational Institutions Executive Board: 

MEF Schools are operated by the MEF Schools Executive Board of Governors who oversee all the MEF Educational Institutions, at the Ulus/Istanbul,and Izmir campuses.

The Board of Governors are made up of the following members:

  • Eda Arıkan, Chairman
  • Hakan Subaşı, CEO of Arikanli Holding
  • Prof. Muhammed Şahin, Rector of MEF University
  • Yasin Kulaklı, Financial Advisor
  • Fikret Mulhan, MEF Schools of Türkiye, Founder Representative & General Manager
  • Elvan Tongal, MEF International Schools of Türkiye, Head of School

MEF International School Board: 

The MEF IS Board convenes to discuss MEF IS-related agenda items four times per school year, with two meetings scheduled each semester.

The Board members:

  1. Founder Representative (Chair)
  2. General Manager
  3. Head of School
  4. School Principals (Istanbul & Izmir)
  5. Parent Representative (Istanbul & Izmir) (elected)
  6. Primary School Teacher Representative (Istanbul & Izmir) (elected)
  7. Secondary School Teacher Representative (Istanbul & Izmir) (elected)

Guiding Principles of the Board of Governors

All members of the Board of MEF International Schools shall:

  • Be motivated primarily by the desire to serve MEF IS and the children it educates.
  • Maintain a student focus in all decision-making.
  • Be accountable for the financial well-being of MEF IS.
  • Be responsible to MEF IS rather than an individual or group or agenda.
  • Establish, in partnership with MEF IS’s Head of School, priorities and policies for MEF IS which are consistent with MEF IS’s mission.
  • Recognise that legal authority rests with the Board, not any individual member.
  • Honor majority decisions once made.

The Board of Governors have oversight in the following areas as outlined in the School’s Board Policy Manual:

  • All staff, whether internationally or locally recruited, shall consistently support, promote, and apply the mission of the School.
  • The educational program shall be designed, reviewed, and assessed to promote high achievement for all MEF IS students within the parameters of the School’s mission.
  • The School’s learning environment shall be safe, secure, healthy and supportive of the mission.
  • Financial planning and resource allocation procedures shall be adequate to ensure the long and short-term financial security of the School.
  • Strategic goals for the long-term development of the School shall be established and periodically reviewed by the Board in collaboration with the Administration.
  • Development and advancement programs shall support the mission and be consistent with the School’s values.
  • The implementation of the Child Safeguarding procedures and policies are reviewed regularly to ensure prevention and intervention in child protection.