What Our Teachers Say

“I think the community at MEF is close and genuine. I have noticed the positive energy from day 1 and I find it refreshing and so important. The energy is noticed by our students and their parents and it creates a healthy environment. I also like the professionalism at MEF which is important for me as an educator and professional.”

Golnaz Abaee, Librarian

“MEF IS is a place where you have the power to make children happy.”

Vicky Cerdas, Preschool Teacher


“MEF IS is a welcoming and caring school where I am so happy to work at. Working together with international teachers and teaching international students are such wonderful opportunities. The administrative team is so supportive. Parents appreciate teachers’ efforts. Students are welcomed, nurtured, inspired and challenged here.”

Pelin Uster, Primary School Counsellor


“I love my colleagues. They are generous, kind and supportive, friendly and fun. They make our school a happy, inclusive environment to work in.”

Isla McLeod,  Learning Support Teacher


“The school community. The students are very respectful, parents are supportive, teachers are friendly and helpful, administrators are tolerant and lenient. The city is beautiful, the weather is great, there are many beautiful places to visit during the breaks. The cost of living is low and you can save. The school is a great work place. I have worked her for 13 years now and I am happy to be here. I love my work and my students.”

Gail Chandyok, Mathematics Teacher and Department Head


“MEF IS has a sense of community and collegiality that makes it a special place to work. Students are at the core of the learning experience, and teachers treat them with care and respect. Due to small class sizes, there is more attention to the individual student than tends to occur in larger schools. The school has a culture that is global in outlook and open minded in practice, and that aspect in particular is what I most appreciate about MEF IS!”

John Potter, Overseas College Counsellor


“Coming to MEF IS feels like I have joined a family. Everyone is so welcoming and there are plenty of social events for teachers to get to know one another. I feel that my children are well supported here. Everyone knows everyone and we work as a team to improve learning for all children.”

Sharlene Carki, School Principal


“The atmosphere in the school with the students from different nationalities and cultures makes me feel good every time I step onto the campus. The thing that makes MEF IS special is how MEF IS always welcomes, nurtures and values its community.”

Eda Yavuz, Educational Technology Coordinator


“MEF IS has a very sincere and caring community from the students to the parents to the teachers. Kids feel welcomed, nurtured and included. This makes MEF IS a great place to come to every day.”

Nicole Incel, Secondary School Deputy Principal


“The administration is approachable and supportive. The students are very hardworking and respectful. The location of the school is very central.”

Serdar Incel, ELL Teacher


“The positive work environment makes me feel good. It is special for students because they have a chance to study in an international community and it gives them the opportunity to develop their global citizenship.”

Cansu Ece Cakılı, Physics Teacher & Department Head


“MEF IS is more than a school for me. I left my hometown and my friends in İzmir just to come and work at MEF IS because I thought that this international environment will teach me a lot, widen my horizons and add so many good memories to my life. The respect for the teachers is the most important thing for me, I feel like a valuable member of this family and this increases my energy as a teacher and as a colleague at our school. This is also a very special place for the students because they are taught and educated not only in terms of academic issues but also in terms of social life, clubs, self management skills.”

Sule Soydemir, Mathematics Teacher
