2023-2024 Parent-Teacher Association

The main aims of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are to foster positive relationships between the school and families pertaining to the well-being of the students, parents, staff and faculty; to afford the study and discussion of all matters relating to the welfare of the children; and to support and enrich teaching and learning experiences; organize fund-raising activities to support the resources of officially recognized not for profit organizations charities and schools in need while recognizing that the Head of School is the responsible authority in the school.

During the school year the PTA, together with the parents, students and staff at MEF IS, organize many family and fund-raising events including Meet the Teacher, Bake Sales, Movie Afternoons, Teachers’ Appreciation Day, Messy Art Day, Discos, and Fun Day and much more.

Parents are welcome to become a “Room Parents” acting as a representative of the parents of a homeroom, helping to aid communication and organise events.

The PTA members meet once a month in order to discuss and facilitate the achievement of its aims. Below is listed the current members of the PTA.

Executive Board

  • President – Vesna Ferhan
  • Deputy President – Sabina Voetmann
  • Secretary – Nuray Ferhan
  • Communications – Sangita Viswanathan
  • Treasurer – TBD
  • Charity Officer – Maria Eroglu
  • Primary Teacher Representative – Ziba Sepasi
  • Secondary Teacher Representative – Alan Kearin
  • Primary Principal – Brett Warfield
  • Secondary Principal – Nicole Incel
  • Head of School – Elvan Tongal
If you have any questions or feedback for the PTA or would like to join, please email pta@mefis.k12.tr. Your email will reach all of the members of the Executive Board.