Aldığı Eğitimin İzlerini Yaşam Boyu Taşıyacak...
MEF International School, Istanbul
Weekly Newsletter
30 April 2020
Grade 1B students choose a different journal writing prompt each day. Check out some of their wonderful writing.
4th Graders consolidated their learning by writing questions about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They then used them for a Kahoot game that they played together at the end of the week.
Ms Goldie has been inspiring our learners by reading some Max & Ruby books with a follow-up activity based on Bunny Cakes. A few students decided to take action and make their own Bunny cake.
As part of our distance learning programme teachers are being mindful of our students’ wellbeing and encouraging them to participate in activities such as meditation and yoga.
Our Kindergarten classes also combined this week for a yoga session led by Ms Vicky. They challenged their bodies by trying flexible stretches and poses.
To celebrate World Earth Day Ms Jesi put together a great video featuring our staff and created this Padlet. Please take a look. |
Mr Mo has been keeping our ECC children fit and entertained. Here he is in action this week. |
Ms Donna has been inspiring our students with Geometric Art. Find out more about it here - |
Transition Day: Grade 5 to Grade 6
The transition from Grade 5 in the Primary School (PS) to Grade 6 in the Secondary School (SS) marks an important emotional, social, and academic shift in students' lives. At MEF IS, we collaborate with families and students to smooth this transition and equip students with the tools to succeed in Grade 6. As a result, the Leadership Team (PS and SS) will present to parents and discuss this transition during an upcoming Google Meet session. Your participation in the session is highly recommended and would be appreciated. Kind regards, PS and SS Leadership Team
Event link: Transition Day Event Link
Audience: Grade 5 Parents
Time: Thursday, May 7, 5:00-6:00 p.m. |
IB1 students explored a variety of ways to represent their understanding of the drama, The Crucible, in their performance tasks. Due to the particular circumstances faced at this time, creativity and enlisting family members’ help were welcomed! Thank you to everyone who aided in their success! |
From the CCD: Please see beIow webinars, virtuaI tours and generaI information that may be of interest to students and parents.
Oxford RoyaIe Academy VirtuaI Summer SchooI 2020: ORA is offering summer onIine Iearning experiences in medicine, Iaw, business, engineering, and technoIogy. Oxford Virtual Summer Link
USC Summer SchooI 2020: The University of Southern CaIifornia has extended the registration deadline for online summer school courses until 8 May. USC Summer School Link
Dutch Research Universities Consortium: These past DRU webinars include sessions by TiIburg, Gröningen, Utrecht, Leiden, Erasmus, Maastricht, as well as a Studying in the Netherlands presentation.
Dutch Univ's Link 1
Dutch Univ's Link 2
University of Exeter OnIine Open Days: A institution in the UK, which provides onIine visits for students and parents. Exeter Link
NUCB Global BBA Webinars: The Nagoya University of Commerce & Business will be offering webinars to students and parents on 7 & 29 May. Nagoya University Link |
IB & IGCSE Turkish Teacher, Ms. Pınar is doing Zumba with her son at home to keep spirits high :) |
Exams: Exam Week 3 is taking place between the dates of April 27-May 7. We are using a student friendly project-based system. Make-up exams for exams that were unattended just before the school closure will take place May 6-7. |
IB2/Grade 12 Visual Arts students were unable to have an art exhibition due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, their teacher has constructed a video showcasing their final pieces of art that is located on our website at IB/Gr 12 Art Exhibition Video Link. Congratulations to all of you for your inspirational works. |
One Grade 10 student had the chance to ask Istanbul’s Mayor, Ekrem Imamoglu, a question for Children’s Day. She inquired, “Do you think that kids should be able to make suggestions to the leaders of the city?” |
Secondary teachers worked together to create a special tribute to the Grade 12 Seniors. A video was shown as a surprise and included special photos from teachers with descriptions of each student. |
Students enjoyed something a little different with our first Online Spirit Week hosted by the Student Council! We had Stuffed Animal Day, Crazy Hat/Hair Day, and Earth Day! |
Grade 7 French students created memory aids to help them remember which verbs use ‘etre’ in the past tense. These will be displayed when we get back to school. |
- April 27-May 7 - SS Exam Week (Project-based Exams)
- May 1 - Labor Day (no school)
- May 7 - Transition Day, 5:00-6:00 p.m. (Grade 5 Parents - see above)