Aldığı Eğitimin İzlerini Yaşam Boyu Taşıyacak...
MEF International School, Istanbul
Weekly Newsletter
6 March 2020
This week Grade 4 have been busy preparing a ‘Think Tank’ so they can analyse and make connections between the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Grade 4 students have also been getting creative and building their own sustainable cities. Well done Grade 4!
As part of their unit on Financial Literacy Grade 3 students have been reading a book called, ‘One Hen.'This is about how one small load made a big difference,
Here are some of our Grade 5 students analysing a Van Gogh painting in their combined unit of ‘Who We Are and How We Express Ourselves.' Students have been looking at the innumerable ways people show who they are and what they believe. They have examined different artists, musicians, writers and scientists. They will take all of this learning and inspiration into their upcoming 2020 Exhibition.
Our Preschool children enjoyed listening to the story, ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear,' read to them by Mr Simon. The children then used the rhyming words from the book to identify objects in the classroom. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?" "I see a …... looking at me."
Ms Sharlene and Ms Kate attended an IB conference called "Building the Future,' in Dublin recently. They were fortunate to visit Nord Anglia International School, meet other IB teachers and discuss inquiry based teaching and learning. |
MEFIS Talks was a roaring success for all who participated. Congratulations to our students and teachers who took to the stage. A big thank you goes to our wonderful PTA and all of those who helped to make it a memorable evening. |
MEF Schools has proudly opened a new Kindergarten with instruction in both English and Turkish in Balmumcu. We are excited to add this school to our family of MEF Schools. |
IB1 students conducted gallery walks to provide feedback to peers on their graphic short stories. Afterward, the entire class was involved in a larger Harkness Method discussion where students made astute observations and connections in relation to context, a play, and modern day events. |
Representatives from the University of South Florida and Oxbridge Academic Programmes visited our school last week and spoke with interested students. This week Oxford Brookes University visited to make our students aware of a potential scholarship. Parents are also encouraged to come to speak with university representatives! Upcoming uni rep visits include the following: March 11th-ATEK University UK Group (8 universities including Warwick & Manchester); March 16th-CIS Turkey Tour (14 universities from USA, Canada, Europe); March 19th-TBS Business School (Spain); April 13th-University of Kentucky (USA). All of these visits will be in the Secondary Canteen during lunch breaks, except the UK Group which will be from 8-9 AM. For more information on university visits, incoming offers and planning for university, check out our site! |
Students from MEF IS and NS applying abroad have received an impressive total of 140 OFFERS from universities around the world. This is indeed quite an achievement. Universities include, but are not limited to, the following: UK - UCL, Edinburgh, Durham, Manchester, Goldsmith; USA - Penn State, Michigan, Chicago, Duke, Rutger's; Canada - UBC, Toronto, Queen's, Western, Ottawa; Europe - Amsterdam, Maastricht, Leiden, Radboud, Tilburg; Asia - U of Hong Kong. A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO OUR SENIORS! |
Congratulations to the MEF IS high school basketball teams, who competed in the International Schools Championships last weekend. Our boys' team finished 5th overall, and our girls' team finished 3rd, bringing home the bronze trophy. |
Teachers engaged in mindful awareness activities to promote staff wellness. In this session, teachers created lavender eye pillows to promote social and emotional wellness. |
It is never too late to start practicing good study habits! Students should explore different methods that help them remember information and process concepts in a meaningful way. Parents should discuss study strategies with their children. |
Safeguarding can be defined as taking steps to prevent children / adults from harm. To this end, we ask parents not to use their children's email accounts or not to use the student section of Google Classroom. |
Teacher study sessions lead to perfection. |
Teachers are lifelong students. Teachers study Spanish after class. |
Ms. Constance Bahn recently delivered a presentation at the Curriculum Summit Europe, in Prague. She spent a two-hour session working with educators from around the European region to teach them strategies to apply Blended Learning Techniques to instructional and curricular practices. Here are a few shots of her working with educators. |
- March 5-8 Robotics Competition (High School)
- March 9-13 Secondary Math Week
- March 12-13, 16-17 Secondary Exam Week 3
- March 13 Grade 1 Assembly
- March 13 MEF IS Maverick Football Tournament (Primary)
- March 18 Careers Day (High School)
- March 19 Swim Competition at MEFIS (Middle & High School)
- March 23-27 Spring Break