Aldığı Eğitimin İzlerini Yaşam Boyu Taşıyacak...
MEF International School, Istanbul
Weekly Newsletter
14 February 2020
This week our ECC staff hosted this year's Istanbul Early Years Network Workshop. The theme for this year was 'Authentic Play-based Learning' and 'Symbolic Expression and Exploration'. Both topics are part of the PYP enhancements. It is great to see MEF IS sharing their expertise with other schools.
On Saturday some of our parents attended a PYP Workshop - ‘An Inquiry into Using Technology to Enhance Learning’. Thank you to Ms Mihaela, Ms Eda, Ms Goldie and Mr Gursah for delivering this session.
The topic for last week’s Student Council Assembly was Child Safety. The students also enjoyed singing songs together. Our School Council, Ms Pelin and Mr Dennis worked hard to present this Assembly.
Tolerance Day celebrations! This event was hosted by SAC school and involved Grade 3 students from MEF IS and SEV Üsküdar Academy. The students participated in sport and art activities together.
Grade 3 started the Robotics unit in ICT lesson. Students use LEGO WeDo 2.0 kits to build models and program them with the block programming language.
To help build professional relationships between our MEF National School colleagues and MEF IS Primary we attended a Tea and Talk event. We are all excited to collaborate and share great ideas for teaching and learning. |
This week our Grade 2 students hosted their first-ever Science Fair. Over the last few weeks, they have been working hard on their experiments and display boards. They were very excited to show off their learning. Here they are sharing their learning with some of our Grade 1 students. |
To celebrate ‘100 Days of School’ our Kindergarten classes organised some fantastic activities this week. Here are some examples of the fun learning experiences they had. Thank you to our Kindergarten staff and parents for organising and supporting this event. |
Here are some wonderful examples of ‘100 Days of School’ artwork by some of our Kindergarten students. |
Friday 21st February is the United Nations International Home Language Day. It is a day to celebrate the languages that our students speak at home. In preparation for this, our Grade 1 and 2 students are working on artwork that visually celebrates their home languages. Here is artwork, from 2B, in honour of the Czech language. |
Thank you to all our MEFIS parents who made it through the snow on Saturday to attend our PS Three-Way Conferences and our SS Parent-Teacher Conferences, and thank you to our brilliant PTA for organising a delicious bake sale, which in turn supported the Music For Peace Foundation. |
This week our MEF Mavericks Football Team played against the MEF National School. It was a challenging game but all the boys showed great resilience. Well done to all involved! |
In Grade 6 PSHE class, we have been discussing the characteristics that help us be successful as students as well as in our future careers. Students reflected on Responsibility this week and created a Responsibility Tree. The tree trunk depicts how we depend on others to be responsible for some things, but there are also many things for which we can begin to take responsibility as well. |
Grade 11/IB1 Students have begun intensive research to compile strategically their “University Long Lists,” including key advice shared with them by counselors in the MEF IS College Counselling Department. |
Students in 6A celebrated love and respect with Valentine’s Day cookies supplied by the Student Council. |
Grade 6 students put on their lab coats and conducted authentic science research by looking at the formation of cells. |
Dear Secondary Parents: I would like to remind you of an important decision regarding extracurricular trips that was announced last semester that is in effect during this semester. Students that apply to participate in a sporting or extracurricular trip will have their academic, behavioral, and attendance records reviewed by the Administration before official approval is given. Students must, therefore, keep their grades above the passing threshold. Kind regards, Malcolm Ringo, Secondary Principal |
Grade 7 students from the national and international schools participated in the introductory meeting for our annual MEF Exchange Project to promote more meaningful cultural exchange and dialogue between the two schools. |
Starting Wednesday, February 19th, High School students will be joining the Middle School students once a week in a “Device Free” day, where cellphones, iPads, and laptops are not used during break times. Laptops will only be used for instructional purposes. We hope you will support us in this important initiative! |
Grade 6 Spanish students rehearse for a performance |
IB1 French students’ presentations on the theme of 'Experiences' |
The Empowerment Club is hard at work decorating doors, bulletin boards, bathrooms and walls with information about gender equality. We are gearing up for our Girls' Empowerment Night on March 5th. |
Auditions are over and our final cast members had their first read-throughs of ‘How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse’ by Don Zolidis. Keep an eye out for our performance in May. |
MEF IS IB2 students shared their intriguing investigations with us in this year's TOK Presentations Event. By applying all they’ve learned in life and in Theory of Knowledge, students related Real Life Situations to the audience and added to our collective knowledge. |
Grade 6 and 7 students had a great time during their French and Spanish song/dance performances in our monthly assembly. |
Modern Foreign Languages Week schedule of events |
Scenes from an activity focusing on empathy in Turkish class |
Secondary Student Council hosted a pink and red themed spirit day and set up a fun photo-booth on Thursday to celebrate valentine's day. |
At the Secondary Assembly students were recognized for their achievements of representing the Learner Profile Trait of the month, reflective, and for the highest GPA in each grade for semester 1. |
On Wed, February 26th, the Secondary Student Council is hosting their second Movie Night of the year showing Shrek. Check your inbox for the digital permission form to sign your child up! |
- Feb 12-15 Middle School Ski Trip (Grades 5-8)
- Feb 14 Professional Development Day for Staff - No school for Students
- Feb 17-19 Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Week
- Feb 19 IB Presentation to Grade 10
- Feb 21 Grade 3 Assembly
- Feb 21 United Nations International Home Language Day Celebrations
- Feb 19 - 22 High School Ski Trip
- Feb 26 Secondary Movie Night
- Feb 27 MEFIS TEDx Talk
- March 13 Grade 1 Assembly